Truth Or Fiction: Infrared Sauna Blankets For Weight Loss?

You've probably heard of infrared sauna blankets, you've never pondered how to lose weight quickly and effectively. However, these blankets have received a lot of mixed reviews. Everyone is interested in learning whether infrared sauna blankets help with weight loss.

But does this infrared sauna blanket work, and whether the effect is long-lasting? Keep reading to figure these questions out together.

Explore our list of the top-rated infrared sauna blankets and find the ideal choice to suit your needs.

How Far Infrared Light Influences Human Body

Infrared rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, for the human body such rays are perceived as thermal radiation. They can pierce tissues up to 5 cm deep and have wavelengths ranging from 0.76 to 1000 micrometers.

You can shed pounds by using an infrared sauna blanket. But it is important to understand that the effect of such a device will be only if you follow these tips:

  • Establish a diet and remove from your diet fatty foods and sweets.
  • Regularly engage in sports, it can be yoga, gym, or any other activity.
  • Walking more and spending time in the fresh air.

You can accelerate your weight loss by combining the preceding recommendations with an infrared sauna blanket.

If you are still in doubt about which infrared sauna blanket to choose, you can read this article.
do infrared sauna blankets work for weight loss

Infrared Sauna Blankets And How Do They Work

Well, here we come to the most interesting part, let's take a closer look at what infrared sauna blankets are and how they work.

Infrared sauna blankets are specialized devices for burning fat that works by producing infrared radiation. This radiation is generated inside the blanket itself, it penetrates the body, accelerates metabolism and weight loss, and significantly helps to reduce body volume. These blankets are especially useful for people who want to shed pounds but cannot exercise. And they can also be used as additional stimulation.

The radiation, which has a wavelength between 4 and 14 micrometers, is the basis for how such weight-reduction blankets function. The infrared radiation from the blanket penetrates the body's tissues up to a depth of several centimeters, where it is absorbed by the tissues and may cause the body to react.

Infrared blankets for weight loss operate on several fundamental concepts, one of which is to raise body temperature and promote sweating. This increases calorie burn and metabolism, which can aid in weight loss. In addition to raising body temperature, increased circulation, and lymph flow can aid in the removal of toxins and waste from the body.

Layers of the infrared sauna blanket
Layers of the infrared sauna blanket

Infrared sauna blankets are typically confined spaces that are heated and emit infrared radiation. Such blankets come in different shapes and sizes. They can be made of different materials such as nylon, polyester, and fleece, and the density of the material also varies: they can be both thin and thick.

But, it's crucial to realize that the infrared sauna blanket is not a miracle cure and that using only one won't be enough to get the desired outcomes.

Let's look at some of the most well-liked patterns for these infrared sauna blankets:

  • The most common model is the cocoon or tent. They create a greenhouse effect, due to the tightness of the body. The patient needs to lie inside, wrap himself on all sides and cover his head (to enhance the effect). These blankets contain a unique temperature control panel and a timer to help with timing the procedure.

Before utilizing an infrared sauna blanket, it's crucial to speak with a doctor because excessive perspiration might be harmful to some people, particularly for those with diabetes and arterial hypertension.

Infrared Sauna Blankets
An illustration of a weight-loss infrared sauna blanket cocoon
  • Another form of infrared sauna blanket that is currently offered is the sheet blanket variant. These devices are placed on the bed and are used for relaxation. Since they are not completely enclosed, there is no greenhouse effect and the results will not be as noticeable. Such blankets-sheets are made of soft materials such as fleece, cotton, and nylon. 
Infrared Sauna Blankets
Example of an infrared sauna blanket sheet
  • There are also special infrared belts and vests. Such devices are wrapped around the problem area. Due to the heat generated, the desired area loses more moisture and loses weight faster. Such vests and belts can be worn during sports activities or walks. This will improve the result of weight loss.
Infrared Sauna Blankets
Example of an infrared belt
Example of an infrared vest
Example of an infrared vest

Each model of infrared blanket works on the same principle, the main thing is to choose the right model.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Infrared Sauna Blankets

Each device has its own pros and cons. So, let's look at them: 

Main ups:

πŸ‘ Accelerated metabolism: Through the use of infrared sauna blankets, the temperature inside the body rises and thus the metabolism in the body is accelerated. In this process, the body consumes more calories and thus, a person loses weight faster.

πŸ‘ Simple and easy to use: Thanks to the elementary mechanism, it is clear how this device works. The simple remote control makes it uncomplicated to control the infrared session. 

πŸ‘ Increased water loss: Infrared radiation helps to increase sweating and due to this the body loses more moisture. As a consequence, there is active weight loss. But it is important to remember that the effect is temporary, and a person loses mostly water.

πŸ‘ Stress reduction and relaxation: Thanks to the use of infrared radiation, stress levels are reduced, and muscles are relaxed. The infrared rays have a positive effect on the nervous system and as a result, the appetite decreases, and the person loses weight faster. Some scientific studies confirm this information [1].

πŸ‘ Skin Improvement: Using an infrared sauna blanket boosts the skin's collagen production.

πŸ‘ Fast results: The body's metabolism speeds up, so extra water comes out faster. You will experience improvements roughly twice as quickly if you use the infrared sauna blanket in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

But each device has its downs, let's look at them:

πŸ‘Ž Unpleasant odor: A slightly unpleasant odor may occur due to increased sweating. This may cause some discomfort.

πŸ‘Ž Possibility of overheating the infrared blanket: A user who has not sufficiently read the instructions can get burns and overheat the body. You should use the infrared blanket very carefully.

πŸ‘Ž Low effectiveness: If the user does not exercise and does not eat right, he may not soon notice the positive results of weight loss.

do infrared sauna blankets work for weight loss

Are Infrared Sauna Blankets Effective For Losing Weight?

This question worries a lot of users. So let's understand this question in detail.

Infrared sauna blankets are one method of heat therapy. Thanks to this therapy, weight can be lost much faster. Several studies prove the effectiveness of this device.

The study [2] was conducted in 2019 and showed that infrared radiation can reduce the size of fat cells and reduce fatty tissue accumulation. 15 people took part in the study after regular use of the infrared sauna blanket beyond exercise. The participants lost an average of 2.5 pounds of weight over 2 weeks. The weight loss was accompanied by fluid loss and an increase in body temperature.

Another study [3] was conducted on 13 men who exercised vigorously for 20 minutes and then wrapped themselves in an infrared blanket for 40 minutes. The results were impressive, with participants losing ~5.3% of their body weight, in about 6 months.

Of course, most of the research on this subject is still being done. However, you must keep in mind that they only work successfully when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise, we can still say with certainty that infrared sauna blankets are helpful for weight loss, based on the results of the scientific studies.

To facilitate your choice, we've put together this informative guide. Within, you'll uncover important features to consider when selecting a device, as well as our recommendations for the best infrared sauna blankets.

Before/After Results

Our team conducted research to verify the effectiveness of infrared sauna blankets for weight loss, and we are ready to present real-world results from using this product.

The result of using the infrared sauna blanket for 2 months (in conjunction with sports and a proper diet)
The result of using the infrared sauna blanket for 2 months (in conjunction with sports and a proper diet)
The result of a girl who used an infrared sauna blanket for weight loss for 6 months
The result of a girl who used an infrared sauna blanket for weight loss for 6 months
The man used an infrared sauna blanket for 5 months and actively exercised
The man used an infrared sauna blanket for 5 months and actively exercised

User Reviews

Let's take a look at the results of using infrared sauna blankets.

I love my new blanket for the sauna! It is exceedingly lightweight and also simple to utilize. It's been a tremendous help in getting me to relax and fall asleep better. I've been using it mostly before bed. Because I have a hard time sweating and getting rid of toxins, it assists me and allows me to sweat at my rate. The lower settings allow me to perspire just enough to keep warm until I can build up more, which is how I prefer to move. I've noticed that using this blanket has helped me lose 3 pounds easily!

Kate Lindson, TX

Since I purchased the infrared sauna blanket, I can categorically state that this has been the best year of my life. I was able to drop 10 kg with the help of this blanket in a year! Best buy, with just a brief morning stroll and relaxing under this blanket in the evening. I advise it!

Richard Larson, OH

Honestly. I love this blanket. Your skin will glow, and you'll feel at ease. My heels had horrible blisters. Since I've started going to the sauna for about a month, you can tell a change. You must be prepared to perspire. Also, I've shed weight! I have lost up to 6 pounds in a year without exercising much, and I couldn't be happier! As a result, this blanket is a blessing for me, and I adore it.

Milly Geller, VA

I recently purchased this quilt and can attest that it was terrific. My whole health has significantly improved, and now neither my joints nor my muscles have pain. As a result of excessive perspiration and water loss, I also dropped 5 pounds. I advise anyone who wants to unwind and reduce weight to do it. Also, this infrared blanket is simple to put up and use. Thus, I heartily endorse it!

Nancy Pollen, GA

Is A Sauna Blanket The Same As An Infrared Sauna?

Sauna Blanket

We did a little research and realized that many people confuse the terms infrared sauna blanket and infrared sauna. So let's take a closer look at these two treatments.

Infrared sauna blankets and infrared saunas are made possible by infrared radiation, which promotes weight loss and controls physiological processes. However, the two devices work on a completely different principle. 

Portable appliances that are useful in the home include infrared blankets. These blankets are made of several layers of cloth and an infrared-emitting device. When you use this blanket, heat is generated, which penetrates deep into the body and promotes weight loss and loss of excess moisture. These infrared blankets also help to reduce stress, improve circulation and reduce joint pain. You can use these blankets at home, anytime. Thanks to a handy regulator, you can adjust the temperature, and set the timer for the desired time.

An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses infrared radiation. This generates heat, which helps you lose weight and speed up your metabolism. In contrast to a traditional sauna, which heats the entire room, an infrared sauna heats the body directly.

Now let's look at the differences between the two devices:

Device Size and constructionTime consumptionBody heat intensityEffectivenessPrice
The infrared sauna blanket Small, blanket-shaped. You can use this device at homeThe procedure lasts from 6 to 30 minutesThe body heats up to higher temperatures (30 to 60 degrees Celsius)


The infrared saunaLooks like an enclosed cabinLasts from 40 to 60 minutesHeat is more uniformly distributed in infrared saunas (50 to 60 degrees Celsius)



Both devices have advantages and disadvantages, and what to choose depends on your preferences, budget, and other factors.

Discover our list of the best infrared sauna blankets available now! Check out our article to get all the details you need and select the perfect device to meet your specific requirements.


Infrared sauna blankets, which are frequently used in alternative medicine, can help with weight loss while also improving circulation and metabolism. But they are not a universal solution for all overweight problems. It is important to remember that proper nutrition and exercise remain the main factors for achieving a healthy weight and body.

You will see excellent results if you use infrared sauna blankets as additional stimulation for weight loss.


πŸƒπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Can you lose weight with an infrared sauna blanket?

Using an infrared sauna blanket along with regular exercise and a balanced diet can accelerate weight loss. But all this is individual, as every person’s body is different.

πŸ“Œ What is the calorie-burning rate of an infrared sauna blanket?

Normally, an infrared sauna blanket does not burn calories. It helps speed up your metabolism and blood circulation. An infrared sauna blanket also helps to increase perspiration and thus lose weight faster.

πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Do sauna blankets burn fat?

Fat is burned through exercise and physical activity. Yet, combining exercise with utilizing an infrared sauna blanket speeds up weight loss and elevates your mood.

⏰ How long can I lie under an infrared blanket?

Depending on the model and the manufacturer’s instructions, you may be able to use an infrared sauna blanket for various durations. It is typically advised to start with 20–30 minutes and progressively extend the length to 45–60 minutes.

Jose Diego Mier

Dermatology Expert

Dr. Jose Diego Mier is a board-certified dermatologist with over a decade of experience in light therapy, dermatology, and skin care. As the founder of the Heliotherapy Research Institute, Dr. Mier has dedicated his career to the study and application of light-based therapies for various skin conditions, including acne, psoriasis, eczema, and skin aging. He is renowned for his extensive research contributions, numerous publications in leading dermatology journals, and his work has been recognized with awards for excellence in research and innovation. He has been invited to speak at national and international conferences, sharing his expertise and insights on light therapy and skin care.

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