Editorial Policy

skin care


We are a group of dedicated scientists to produce an excellent multidisciplinary scientific publication, and we encourage everyone in our field to submit their work.

Editorial Criteria

We are looking for dedicated and driven members of the scientific community to join our Editorial Board. As an Editorial member, you will be expected to review submissions from other scientists in your area of expertise; make recommendations on publications and respond to authors with feedback on their manuscripts via email or phone calls (if necessary); ensure that all papers published by Jose Diego Mier meet high-quality standards; attend at least two yearly meetings held during conferences; maintain a strong record of scholarship through continuing education programs such as post-doctoral training fellowships, attending seminars & workshops hosted by institutions outside one’s organization, etc.; place articles in reputable journals when possible so others can access them online or publish books related topics under certain conditions. 

Article review process

All articles in Jose Diego Mier are carefully reviewed by the study’s researchers, and its editorial advisory committee is composed of board-certified dermatologists. Letters and other unsolicited material are assumed to be intended for publication, so they will go through an editing process before being published on our website. Unsolicited physician-written or expertly-written original articles that we publish must also pass through a review process first!

Some of the Jose Diego Mier reports on light therapy may discuss device applications that aren’t approved by regulating bodies. These devices could be considered outside standard medical practice, which is up to interpretation and varies among doctors’ individual opinions.

Dateline policy

Jose Diego Mier wants to be transparent in its reporting practices, so articles include datelines only if the reporter attended presentations of information on which they are reporting. Authors and quoted sources must disclose fully any direct financial interests or status as paid consultants or employees for companies mentioned before publication.


The Jose Diego Mier website is partially supported by advertising, but it does not mean that the views of editors and editorial boards are compromised in any way. All ads on their site appear in fixed positions predetermined before an article was published or written; they do not relate to the content.

Doctor Mier

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