Capillus Laser Cap: What Is It, How Does It Work + Reviews

In today's world, a lot of people suffer from hair loss. Many remedies and products promise to cope with this problem, but not all of them are effective.

Capillus laser caps are based on a technology that uses laser radiation to stimulate hair growth and significantly reduce hair loss. Not only do these caps help keep hair healthy, but they also work as baldness prevention. We will help you to get acquainted with a unique device that can change your life and achieve great results in the fight against hair loss! 

Currently, there are many popular hair laser caps. In our article, you can find out which brand is still worth choosing and why.

In this article, we will describe in detail all the pros and cons of the Capillus laser cap, tell you about the principles of operation, show real reviews, and try to answer all your questions.

So if you have been wanting to get rid of hair loss for a long time or are just interested in this topic, keep reading, we will try to answer all your questions.

How Effective Is Laser Technology For Hair Loss Based On Clinical Studies

Laser therapy during hair loss is a procedure that uses laser equipment to stimulate hair growth. In some studies, it has been scientifically proven that laser has a positive effect on hair growth, stimulates hair growth, and reduces hair loss.

So, let's look at a few examples to see if laser therapy is scientifically proven.

A study [1] examined how laser (light therapy) promotes hair growth in men and women. The experiment included 42 patients (24 actives, 18 placebos ). The active patients underwent a course of specific laser therapy, which lasted 16 weeks (60 treatments at home). 

After undergoing the study, not one patient complained about side effects. The results were quite impressive: hair growth in the active group increased by 37% compared to patients who did not receive laser therapy

The second study [2] involved 40 patients with AGA. They were administered laser therapy with a special helmet for home use, emitting wavelengths of 630, 650, and 660 nm. 

After 24 weeks of treatment, results were obtained, hair density increased significantly (by about 40%), and hair density also became better. No serious adverse reactions were detected.

The third study [3] involved 20 men and 20 women with alopecia. A 24-week study was conducted using a laser helmet at home. At the beginning of the experiment, hair density was measured in the participants, with an average of p = 0.002. After 24 weeks the hair density was measured again, and after the laser treatment, it was p = 0.009. The overall performance was also significantly improved.

]If you want to learn more about what types of Capillus laser caps there are and which model you should pay attention to, we suggest you read this article.

How Do The Capillus Laser Caps Work

Well, we have already seen, it is scientifically proven that laser therapy for hair helps to fight hair loss. 

Now let's take a closer look at what Capillus laser caps are and how they work.

Laser Caps Work

Capillus laser caps are special devices that use low-level laser therapy (or LLLT) to treat hair loss and stimulate hair growth. 

Capillus is a cap-shaped device that must be worn on the head and is equipped with many lasers and LEDs. It emits special wavelengths (650 nm long). These waves penetrate the scalp, where they reach the hair follicles. This strengthens the old hair and stimulates its growth of old hair. The light studied by the laser has a positive effect on blood circulation in the scalp. 

It is also important to note that such laser caps are often used to prevent hair loss. Patients also use these devices to treat diffuse and androgenic (hormonal hair loss) alopecia. Also, such laser caps are used by people who have undergone chemotherapy or other medical procedures that lead to hair loss. 

It must be understood that there will not be a quick effect in the treatment of hair. It is important to prepare yourself so that if you use the laser cap continuously, you will notice the effect within a few months of regular use.

The number of times you need to use the Capillus laser cap depends on the model and the number of LEDs. Usually, it is recommended to use this device once a day and each session should last 6 to 30 minutes. 

But if you have skin conditions such as alopecia, you need to consult your doctor before using laser caps. Specialists will help you choose the right Capillus cap model and help you determine the dose of laser therapy you need to receive. 

We would like to give you some recommendations on how to use the Capillus laser cap:
  1. When you put the laser cap on, make sure that all the LEDs are snug against your scalp and are near the area of hair you want to treat for hair loss.
  2. After you put the cap on, be sure to follow the instructions that come with the cap. It is very important to remain calm and not be nervous. 
  3. Use the Capillus laser cap regularly to see results.
  4. Remember to turn the cap off after the procedure is complete to conserve battery power and extend its life.

Quick Overview Of Capillus Laser Caps

Capillus has several popular models of caps, which we will briefly discuss in the following table. And if you want a more detailed comparison of popular cap brands from experts, check out our other article.

Capillus82 Mobile Laser Therapy Cap

Capillus82 Mobile Laser Therapy Cap
✔️ No injections or surgery required❌ Results are noticeable after a few months of use
✔️ Improvement of hair condition (more than 10%) after using this device❌ It costs quite a bit
✔️ Approved by the FDA

Capillus ONE S 128 Laser Diodes

Capillus ONE S 128 Laser Diodes
✔️ Has no side effects❌ Ineffective for alopecia
✔️ The procedure lasts only 6 – 10 minutes❌ Compared to other models, there are 10% fewer laser diodes, which makes the treatment last longer
✔️ Thanks to this device, areas of baldness on the head can be reduced by 5%

Capillus Plus S1 214 Laser Diodes

Capillus Plus S1 214 Laser Diodes
✔️ Short laser session (6 minutes)❌ Not all users noticed the positive result
✔️ Safe laser (FDA approved)❌ Ineffective for alopecia
✔️ Costs 5% less than other lasers
✔️ Provides fairly fast hair growth due to full coverage of the scalp despite the medium number of laser diodes

Capillus PRO S1 304 Laser Diodes

Capillus PRO S1 304 Laser Diodes
✔️ This unit has 30-50% more LEDs than other models. This allows the device to cover a larger area of the head❌ It’s pricey
✔️ Helps with different types of alopecia❌ Must be used constantly to see results
✔️ Thanks to the largest number of laser diodes, the result is 5% faster than other models

Pros And Cons Of Capillus Laser Caps 

Capillus laser caps are a great solution against hair loss. They have several advantages, including the following:

📌 High efficacy: Capillus laser caps use laser therapy (LLLT). This therapy is scientifically proven and has a very positive effect on hair growth. 85% of users noted a significant improvement in hair growth with the use of laser caps.

📌 Easy to use: The caps are easy to put on your head and have a charger and detailed instructions. Since they can be used at home, the patient can not interrupt his normal life and do the procedures when it is convenient for him.

📌 Safety: Capillus laser caps cause no side effects and have positive effects on the human body. 4 out of 5 patients felt better and noticed a positive trend in hair growth.

📌 Suitable for the treatment of hair loss as well as for prevention: No matter what degree of hair loss you have, the Capillus Laser Cap will have a positive effect and help combat your problem. This cap is also great for preventing hair loss in the future.

📌 Does not require surgery: Thanks to the use of a high-quality laser, the patient does not need to do surgical hair transplants or special injections.

📌 Easy to buy: Most users can buy Capillus laser caps without a doctor's consultation. However, it is worth noting that if you suffer from alopecia or other conditions associated with hair loss, you should see a doctor to be sure that you will not harm yourself.

Let's take a look at the disadvantages of the Capillus Laser cap:

👍 Rather a high price: The Capillus Laser Cap costs quite a bit. And for some people, this will be a bit of a problem, as it's not an affordable way to go.

👍 Not quick results: When you use a device like this, you can't take breaks, because there would be no effect then. Using the Capillus laser cap you will not notice the result immediately, it must take several months. This happens differently for each patient. So you have to be patient!


Are Capillus Laser Caps Effective?

Capillus laser cap is an effective and painless procedure that helps fight hair loss. This device can help people cope with their problems with minimal effort. The laser cap can also be used to prevent hair loss. 

The effectiveness of laser caps has been reviewed in several clinical studies and has shown really impressive results. 

For example, [1] one study published in the journal Dermatologic Surgery demonstrated that patients who used a Capillus laser cap for 16 weeks had an average increase in hair density of 51% over baseline.

Another study [2] examined the effectiveness of the Capillus laser cap in treating female pattern baldness. The study included 44 women with mild to moderate female pattern baldness. Participants used the Capillus laser cap for 16 weeks. The results were also very encouraging, with an average increase in hair density of 22.5%.

If the research is not enough to convince you — don't trust words, look at the before and after results.

Before & After

So, let's see the before/after results of using the Capillus laser cap:

The result of the Capillus laser cap for the treatment of hair loss
The result of the Capillus laser cap for the treatment of hair loss
The result of using a laser cap to eliminate alopecia
The result of using a laser cap to eliminate alopecia
The result of using a laser cap to prevent hair loss
The result of using a laser cap to prevent hair loss

With the long-term use of laser hair caps, the result has a cumulative effect and lasts for a long time. User experience has shown that you will need to use laser caps for about a year to get results.

Since the effect of laser therapy on hair growth is scientifically proven, there is no doubt that after a few months of use, you will notice a very good result. 

Customer Reviews

Many people who seek to overcome hair loss issues have already bought a Capillus laser cap. Let's read what they experienced during its use.

A simple-to-use device. You must continue to use it consistently. This gadget works as intended, so I enjoy it. Since biology is involved once more, we must exercise patience and accept the outcomes after a year. The benefit is that time and hair loss won't make you seem worse. I endorse this product.

Jacob Robinson, NY

My doctor recommended Capillus to me. I didn't know what to anticipate, but I was desperate for something at this point. While I'm still quite young and genuinely care about my appearance, I merely wanted to stop my hair loss. I was shocked to notice that it had not only stopped my hair loss but also caused these thick hairs to appear suddenly! In just 4 months, I could tell a difference; the secret is to be persistent and patient.

Ember Johnson, NV

I was mistaken in thinking that I couldn't stop my hair from coming loose. My hair is now growing back and has stopped shedding thanks to this cap. Moreover, I don't need to touch or spray anything on my scalp. I detested how my hair felt and had to do that twice a day. My hair felt greasy and nasty as a result. Yet, my hair has become glossy and delicate. Well worth the cost! Just wished I had purchased it earlier.

Archer Gonzales, CA

I've been using it for a while and I like it. I've been hunting for faster, fuller hair, and I've found it, even though I've also been giving it hair treatments. The mixture that has worked best for my hair. Although nothing has happened yet, I'm happy to have the 7-year warranty that I got after recommending it to many people.

Holly Thompson, TX

As you can see, the effect of the Capillus laser cap is there and many users have been satisfied with their purchase!

effect of the Capillus


So, the Capillus laser cap is a gadget that can help stop hair loss. It is also recommended to use this device for alopecia prevention. 

Capillus caps are available in several models and configurations, including devices that can be worn outside and more expensive models that can be plugged into an outlet and used at home.

If you use these caps consistently, you may notice visible results within a few months.

But it is important to remember that if you suffer from a disease, such as alopecia or any such, you need to see a doctor for a detailed consultation to safely use the device.


📌 Do Capillus laser caps work?

Indeed, it has been proven that Capillus laser caps have a positive effect on hair growth, strengthening it. But it is important to remember that to notice the result, you need to use this device systematically.

👩‍🦰 Do laser caps regrow hair?

Laser attachments help strengthen hair, and grow new hair. Thanks to the LEDs that penetrate the scalp and stimulate the hair follicles to grow, also by increasing the blood circulation of the scalp, the overall appearance of the hair is improved.

🧢 How long does it take for Capillus cap to work?

You need to use laser caps for a few months to notice the first result. But it is important to remember that everybody reacts differently to laser and everything is very individual.

⏰ Is it OK to use a laser cap every day?

It all depends on your problem, you should read the instructions carefully before using the laser cap. But on average, you should use the laser at least 3 times a week. If you have diseases associated with hair loss, you need to consult a doctor before using the laser cap.

Jose Diego Mier

Dermatology Expert

Dr. Jose Diego Mier is a board-certified dermatologist with over a decade of experience in light therapy, dermatology, and skin care. As the founder of the Heliotherapy Research Institute, Dr. Mier has dedicated his career to the study and application of light-based therapies for various skin conditions, including acne, psoriasis, eczema, and skin aging. He is renowned for his extensive research contributions, numerous publications in leading dermatology journals, and his work has been recognized with awards for excellence in research and innovation. He has been invited to speak at national and international conferences, sharing his expertise and insights on light therapy and skin care.

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