Hooga Red Light Therapy: Top Devices, Reviews, Doctor’s Tips

In the quest for feeling better, we often stumble upon new solutions that promise relief from our everyday concerns and discomforts. One such discovery that's been creating a boom is Hooga red light therapy. 

If you're tired of dealing with skin issues, sore muscles, or nagging pains, this article is your go-to resource. We'll break down the science behind Hooga red light therapy in easy terms, explore the best devices from big panels to handy portables, as well as share what real people have to say about it.


Winner category: Best device for beginners

✔️ The most cost-effective solution for enjoying the advantages of red light therapy without compromising on results

✔️ A good starting option for individuals who are new to light therapy, guaranteeing a seamless and uncomplicated usage

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Winner category: Best device for target areas

✔️ The most effective device for targeting specific areas of the body, thanks to its innovative built-in stand that ensures optimal angle and coverage

✔️ Designed with a built-in fan that keeps the device cool during operation

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HGPRO300 + HGPRO1500
HGPRO300 + HGPRO1500

Winner category: Best device for the whole body

✔️ The most effective device for the whole body treatment due to impressive panel coverage that ensures you target all parts of your body within a single session

✔️ Modular design enables you to expand your light therapy setup by connecting it to other panels and allows you to customize the area to suit your needs

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What Is A Hooga Red Light?

Hooga is a brand that offers a collection of red light therapy devices, including compact and portable products, color therapy tools, comprehensive body panels, and facial masks.

What Is a Hooga Red Light?

Red light therapy has gained significant attention for its range of beneficial effects, which span various aspects of human well-being. By harnessing the power of specific wavelengths, Hooga therapy promises to rejuvenate the skin, mitigate pain, and enhance overall wellness, among other advantages.

Hooga red light presents a comprehensive selection of red light therapy solutions, catering to various needs and preferences, while emphasizing the potential for wellness and improved well-being across different aspects of life.

Best Devices For Home Use

HG300 — Best Device For Beginners



  • Effectively enhances bodily performance, leading to enhanced skin conditions, pain management, and other benefits
  • Budget-friendly option for those seeking light therapy benefits
  • The excellent entry point for individuals new to light therapy, ensuring a hassle-free experience


  • Unlike its more advanced counterpart, the HG300 lacks an integrated stand
  • The device emits a modest level of noise during operation

Hooga HG300 red light therapy is an entry-level panel due to its simplicity, but still impressive performance. 

With 60 LEDs that provide two wavelengths — 660 nm and 850 nm — the device optimizes body performance, leading to reduced pain and inflammation, improved skin conditions, and accelerated wound healing. Its power consumption is 55 milliwatts. This means that deeper tissue treatment requires around 15 minutes per area, while superficial skin and wound healing benefits can be achieved in just three minutes.

What sets the Hooga 300 apart is its affordability. Priced at almost half the cost of the HGPRO300, it provides an accessible option for those eager to experience the benefits of light therapy without breaking the bank.

However, like any product, the HG300 has a few downsides. For example, it doesn't include a built-in stand. Nevertheless, you can use the provided hanging kit or simply place it on a desk or table, however, the angle of inclination will be the same, unlike the more advanced model with a built-in holder. Also, the sound level may be slightly noisy, but it's not a deal-breaker.

HGPRO300 — Best Device For Target Areas



  • The use of dual-chip LEDs provides increased power and penetration, leading to faster and more effective results
  • Convenient built-in stand, facilitating effortless device placement for precise focus on particular body areas such as the face, neck, shoulders, etc.
  • Operates with significantly less noise compared to the HG300


  •  The built-in stand contributes to a slightly bulkier design, which may be less convenient for users with limited space
  • More expensive than the HG300, which might be a drawback for budget-conscious consumers

HGPRO300 builds on the success of the popular Hooga 300, but with a number of key improvements.

For starters, although the device has the same number of lights, it uses dual-chip LEDs, which provide even more power and penetration than the standard HG300. As a result, you can get faster and more effective results.

The next feature is the built-in stand. It may make the Hooga Pro 300 look a bit bulky, but at the same time makes it easy to position the device exactly where you need it. This is great for targeting specific areas of the body, such as the face, neck, shoulders, knees, and so on.

Another great point is the built-in fan. This keeps the device cool during operation, so you can enjoy a relaxing and comfortable treatment. Plus, this model runs more quietly, unlike the Hooga 300, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a relaxing and tranquil session.

It is a bit more expensive than the previous model, but it offers a number of improvements that make it worth the extra cost.

HGPRO300 + HGPRO1500 — Best Device For The Whole Body

HGPRO300 + HGPRO1500
HGPRO300 + HGPRO1500


  •  Large panel coverage allows simultaneous treatment of multiple body parts in a single session, enhancing convenience
  • The modular feature enables easy connection with other panels from the HGPRO series
  • The device's efficient dosing allows for shorter treatment times 
  • The design offers flexibility in treatment setup and positioning


  • Due to the device's powerful output and efficiency, it may generate slightly higher EMF compared to other devices 
  • Panel along with potential accessories like a mobile stand, could make the overall setup relatively costly

HGPRO300 + HGPRO1500 is one of the latest additions to the company's product lineup. This powerful duo combines clinical-grade red and near-infrared lights to help you achieve a variety of health goals, including pain relief, wound healing, workout recovery, and anti-aging benefits. And the main plus is that you can treat all parts of the body in one session thanks to the impressive panel coverage.

This device is based on the HGPRO1500 panel, as well as the additional HGPRO300, which we talked about a little earlier. But what can we learn about the HGPRO1500?

This is a 300-light panel that, like all devices in the Hooga Pro range, uses dual LEDs for better power output.

Also, the HGPRO1500 is modular, so you can connect it with other panels from the HGPRO series to create a larger light therapy setup (in this case with the HGPRO300). You can even attach it to a mobile stand for added flexibility.

With a total output of 150W, the panel's dosing becomes decisive. For deep tissue treatment, the HGPRO300 + HGPRO1500 is excellent: it only takes 10 minutes. With superficial treatment, two minutes is sufficient for the administration of a therapeutic dose. 

This efficiency makes the panel an invaluable tool for a wide range of applications throughout the body. But because of this, EMF levels are slightly higher than other devices from this brand, but still within acceptable limits.

Hooga Portable Devices

In addition to their popular panels, they also offer a line of portable devices that are perfect for people who want to get their light therapy treatments on the go.

Hooga wand

Hooga wand

Hooga wand is a powerful red light therapy device that combines four different therapies to deliver a comprehensive anti-aging treatment for your skin. It uses red light therapy to stimulate collagen production, microcurrents to tighten and lift the skin, massage to improve blood circulation, and heat therapy to improve overall appearance. The result is a more youthful complexion with fewer wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.

Cleanse your face, apply a moisturizing serum, and then hold the wand against your skin for 10-15 minutes.

You can use it on your face, neck, and décolleté.

Hooga dot

Hooga dot

Hooga dot is a small, wearable red light therapy device that delivers powerful light to a targeted area. 

It is perfect for people who want to get their light therapy treatments on the go, and it can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including pain, inflammation, and skin problems.

Attach the included adhesive rings to the device and place them on the area of your body that needs treatment, such as the face, neck, wrist, back, joints, or muscles.

You can wear the device for up to 30 minutes at a time.

Hooga wrap

Hooga wrap

Hooga wrap is a large but still portable device that penetrates deep into the skin and tissues, where it can stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, reduce inflammation, and boost cellular energy.

The Hooga Wrap is good for people who want to treat a wider area of their body, such as the back, shoulders, or legs. It is also adjustable, so you can customize the intensity and time to your liking.

Hooga Red Light Therapy Reviews

If you're considering trying Hooga red light therapy, customer reviews can help you make a decision. Here are some of the things that people have said about these devices.

*All reviews were taken from the Hooga official site

“I've been using the Hooga health red light therapy for a few weeks now, and I'm amazed at the results. My joint pain has noticeably decreased, and my skin looks healthier than ever. The best part? It's so affordable compared to other options. 

I know that some people complain about the noise level, but it isn't a major issue for me. Overall, a solid choice for those looking to dip their toes into red light therapy without a big investment.”

— Charlie, TX (about HG300)

“I recently upgraded to the Hooga Pro 300, and I'm thrilled with the decision. The dual-chip LEDs make a noticeable difference in effectiveness, and the built-in stand is so convenient. The fan keeps the device cool, and the quieter operation is a nice touch. It's pricier than the basic model, but the enhancements are worth it. A top-notch red light therapy solution.”

— Seb, LA (about HGPRO300)

“Investing in the HGPRO300 + HGPRO1500 was a smart move. 

This combo is a powerhouse, and I love that I can target specific areas with ease. The dosing times are efficient, and the coverage is impressive. The modular setup and heat dissipation fan make it a user-friendly choice. 

The slightly higher EMG levels are manageable, given the results it delivers. A must-have for anyone serious about red light therapy.”

— Alex, MI (about HGPRO300 + HGPRO1500)

Hooga red light therapy

Does Red Light Skin Therapy Really Work? Based On Scientific Research

Innovative technologies like Hooga products have the potential to promote overall health. However, it is important to understand the scientific foundations of these devices before incorporating them into your skincare routine. Here are a few studies that will help you make an informed decision.

First, let's look at the effectiveness of red light therapy for treating skin concerns, particularly signs of aging.

The research [1] was focused on individuals with early signs of skin aging. 

During the study, one side of their skin was exposed to red light (660 nm) over the course of 12 treatments. The findings indicated that over 90% of participants observed a decrease in wrinkle depth and skin roughness. Notably, no adverse effects were documented.

Building on these results, a subsequent study [2] further validated the efficacy of red light therapy in addressing age-related skin changes. Thirteen participants with wrinkles or fine lines underwent a series of nine light therapy sessions, each lasting 20 minutes. The therapy involved a combination of wavelengths (633 and 830 nm). 

Following a 12-week follow-up period, 91% of patients reported enhanced skin tone, while 82% noted improved skin smoothness in the treated area.

The result of using red light therapy for anti-aging
The result of using red light therapy for anti-aging

The following studies were directed to the study of red light therapy for pain management and overall relief.

Research [3] involved 47 football players who had suffered ankle sprains. These players were divided randomly into three groups:

  • Conventional therapy, which included rest, ice, and compression;
  • A combination of placebo laser treatment and conventional therapy;
  • Conventional therapy and 820 nm laser treatment.

The findings of the study revealed that the group receiving the 820 nm laser treatment in addition to conventional therapy experienced a statistically significant reduction in edema volume within just 24 hours. Furthermore, this group also reported a decrease in pain compared to the other treatment methods.

In another study [4], the clinical effects of red and near-infrared light therapy were explored in patients with acute neck pain accompanied by radiculopathy. Over a span of 3 weeks, a total of 60 patients underwent a course of 15 treatments. These sessions involved either an active laser or a fake device used as a placebo. 

The outcomes of this study highlighted significant improvements in arm pain intensity and the ability to extend the neck.

Hooga red light therapy

How To Use Hooga Red Light Therapy For The Best Results

Hooga has emerged as a sought-after method, utilizing light's potential to improve health and vitality. 

While comprehensive Hooga red light therapy instructions are readily available on their official website and upon purchase, the following insights are dedicated to optimizing and expediting the treatment's outcomes.

✅ Optimal power density

The fundamental concept is that when addressing skin concerns like anti-aging, it's advisable to use light from a greater distance (preferably 18”-36” away from your body). This approach provides a lower power density, ensuring broader coverage across your body's surface. Conversely, for targeting deeper tissues such as pain management, using light at a closer range (6”-12” distance) is recommended.

✅ Dosing considerations

Tailoring the dose is crucial; skin treatments require significantly lower doses compared to interventions aimed at deeper tissues. 

For instance, the HG300 offers an appropriate dose for addressing skin conditions, while opting for the HGPRO300 is more suitable for addressing deeper issues like arthritis or other types of pain.

✅ Optimal body position

Your choice of body position is flexible – you can opt to sit, stand, or lie down based on your comfort level and the specific area you're treating. Depending on the part of your body under treatment, you may discover that certain positions are more comfortable and effective than others.

Hooga red light therapy

Also, we will share with you the most common conditions when using light therapy and the recommended time and way to use Hooga devices.

  • Anti-aging:
  • Whether you prefer mornings or evenings, position the device approximately 24”-36” away and expose your front and back for 3-10 minutes each.

  • Injury recovery and pain management:
  • In the event of injuries such as sprains, strains, cuts, burns, or just pain, rapid intervention is key. Apply the device to the affected area as soon as possible — early treatment has been known to expedite healing. Tailor the therapy to the type of injury, adjusting the distance and dosage for surface issues versus deep tissue injuries.

  • Muscle strength:
  • For optimal results, apply the therapy either post-workout or 3-6 hours later. Alternatively, some research suggests benefits prior to exercise.

    Treat each exercised muscle area with 3-7 minutes of therapy from a distance of 6”.

  • Exercise performance:
  • Elevate your exercise performance by priming your muscles with red light therapy. Administer the treatment 10-30 minutes before your workout, focusing on each muscle area for 2-4 minutes from a proximity of 6”.


    Hooga red light therapy is a promising way to improve our well-being and address health concerns. 

    The brand offers a variety of devices, both panels and portable devices, to meet the needs of different users. They use clinically proven wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to deliver effective and affordable light therapy treatments.

    But as the popularity of red light therapy continues to grow, it is crucial to approach it with informed enthusiasm. Consulting a healthcare professional before starting any new therapy is advised, especially for those with pre-existing medical conditions. 


    ❓ Is Hooga red light therapy safe?

    While Hooga red light therapy is not FDA-approved, it is considered safe when used as directed. The wavelengths used in this therapy are within a safe range and are not associated with harmful UV radiation.

    💪🏻 Is Hooga red light therapy suitable for athletes?

    Yes, many athletes use Hooga therapy to aid in muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and potentially enhance performance. It's considered a natural and non-invasive way to support athletic training.

    🤓 What is the difference between the HG and HGPRO Hooga series?

    Distinguishing the Hooga HG series from the HGPRO series lies in its design and functionality. The HGPRO panels are designed to be modular and easily connectable.

    💆🏻‍♀️ Is Hooga red light therapy only for physical benefits?

    No, while Hooga is known for its physical benefits, it may also have positive effects on mental well-being. Some users reported improved mood, reduced stress, and better sleep quality after consistent use.


    1. Daniel Barolet, Charles J. Roberge, François A. Auger, Annie Boucher, Lucie Germain. Regulation of skin collagen metabolism in vitro using a pulsed 660 nm LED light source: clinical correlation with a single-blinded study. – J Invest Dermatol. 2009 Dec;129(12):2751-9. DOI: 10.1038/jid.2009.186. Epub 2009 Jul 9.
    2. Fabien Baez, Laurence R. Reilly. The use of light-emitting diode therapy in the treatment of photoaged skin. – J Cosmet Dermatol. 2007 Sep;6(3):189-94. DOI: 10.1111/j.1473-2165.2007.00329.x
    3. Apostolos Stergioulas. Low-level laser treatment can reduce edema in second-degree ankle sprains. – J Clin Laser Med Surg. 2004 Apr;22(2):125-8. DOI: 10.1089/104454704774076181.
    4. Ljubica M. Konstantinovic, Milisav R. Cutovic, Aleksandar N. Milovanovic, Stevan J. Jovic, Aleksandra S. Dragin, Milica Dj Letic, Vera M. Miler. Low-level laser therapy for acute neck pain with radiculopathy: a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized study. – Pain Med. 2010 Aug;11(8):1169-78. DOI: 10.1111/j.1526-4637.2010.00907.x.

    Jose Diego Mier

    Dermatology Expert

    Dr. Jose Diego Mier is a board-certified dermatologist with over a decade of experience in light therapy, dermatology, and skin care. As the founder of the Heliotherapy Research Institute, Dr. Mier has dedicated his career to the study and application of light-based therapies for various skin conditions, including acne, psoriasis, eczema, and skin aging. He is renowned for his extensive research contributions, numerous publications in leading dermatology journals, and his work has been recognized with awards for excellence in research and innovation. He has been invited to speak at national and international conferences, sharing his expertise and insights on light therapy and skin care.

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